Καλώς Ήλθατε στην GreekLex

GreekLex: A lexical database of Modern Greek

GreekLex is a lexical database of Modern Greek. The database contains 35,304 Modern Greek words ranging in length between 1 and 22 letters. Lexical information such as word length, frequency, number of orthographic neighbors, number of higher frequency neighbors, number of transposition neighbors, addition neighbors, and deletion neighbors is provided for each word in the database. Furthermore, single letter frequencies and bigram frequencies based on the words in the database are included as well. Please use the reference below if you use GreekLex for your research.


Ktori, M., van Heuven, W.J.B., & Pitchford, N.J. (2008). GreekLex: A lexical database of Modern Greek. Behavioral Research Methods, 40, 773-783. (download paper here)

Download GreekLex 1 (version 1.01): GreekLex_v101.zip

The zip file contains five files:

  1. GreekLex_LowerCase.txt: 35,304 Modern Greek words ranging in length from 1 to 22 letters
  2. GreekLex_UpperCase.txt: Modern Greek words in uppercase with neighborhood information
  3. GreekLex_Bigrams.txt: Greek Bigram information
  4. GreekLex_Letters.txt: Greek Letter information
  5. ModernGreek_Sound-WritingSystem.txt: Information about the sound and writing system of Modern Greek
  6. ReadMe.txt: Information about the files

Note: files are encoded in Unicode (UTF-8).

Please note that there is an updated version of GreekLex available: GreekLex 2